Friday, February 1, 2008

Targeting Customers can Help Improve Advertising

I hate seeing boner pill commercials. First of all, its not relevant to me so it's money wasted on the end of the erection distributor. Secondly, on a subconscious level, I do not want to be reminded that some day... well you get the point.

On top of that, half the population can't even use the product directly; women aren't interested either. But a company needs to get their message out regardless.

Advertisers need to use microdemographics. Think of your 20 gallon jug of collected change from over the years.

The change as a whole has collective needs. The coins want a good place to stay, away from the path of falling sticky substances that could bind them together for ever.

But they also have needs within their specific denominations that can be targeted. The copper industry might want to target pennies. The quarters may want to know about the latest arcade craze.

Throwing money at a 30 second spot for (insert TwentySomethingProduct here) during a show that has a large share of twenty-somethings watching just seems wasteful. If the smarter route is taken through web advertising, you're still limited to adwords or already established sites with better, but still limited information about their users.

If the banks could reach an agreement with their customers about the sharing of their personal checking account information, it could go a long way towards filling the current information gap; adding another revenue stream for banks and better services for their customers. Specific targeted ads aimed at microdemographics stay effective because they are relevant and personal.

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